
Showing posts from August, 2018

Z-Component in SAP CRM

Most of the time we are creating a BSP Component as per client requirement. Lets suppose we have an requirement to create Search and Result page. So below are the mandatory step to follow while create a new BSP component and adding the same in CRM work-center screen. Create Table structed. Create a GENIL Component and GENIL class. Create a BSP Component and add the GENIL component under Run time repository. Create a Target ID via SPRO configuration. Create a logical link, Work-Center and assign to Navigation link profile.

Read/Search using BOL Programming

Requirement: Create an Search button in your customer compont Step-1: Find the component details via F2 button. Step-2: Go to Component

Usages of SU3 TCODE

Below are the list of user parameters: ***Display the message details in CRM Web UI BSPWD_USER_LEVEL - 9   ***It will ignore all enhancement and run the SAP UI as standard WCF_IGNORE_ENHANCEMT - A  ***Filter the Business Role CRM_UI_PROFILE - Z*  

Activity Clipboard

***Read the data from Activity Clipboard Data(lr_clipboard) = cl_crm_ui_bol_clipboard_srv=>get_instance( ). Lr_data = lr_clipboard->get_content().

Get Business Role and Confirm Data

Read the current user Business Role in SAP CRM: ***Get  Business Role  Data( lr_ui_profile) = cl_crm_ui_profile=>get_instance( ). IF lr_object IS BOUND.      Data(lr_br_profile ) = lr_ui_profile->get_profile( ). ENDIF. IF rv_result EQ lc_busuness_role.      "Added your logic ENDIF. Read the current customer confirm data Sin AP CRM: Data(lr_current_data) = cl_crm_ui_data_context_srv=>get_instance( me ).    IF lr_current_data is bound. ***Get Business Partner Details lr_current_data ->get_entity( name = 'CURRENTCUSTOMER' ). ***Get Contract Account Details lr_current_data ->get_entity( name = 'CURRENTBUAG' ). ***Get Premise Details lr_current_data ->get_entity( name = 'CURRENTPREMISE' ). ENDIF.

RFC Destiation in SAP

Get FICA Destination:   CALL FUNCTION 'CRM_FICA_CUST_READ'       IMPORTING         ev_syst = LV_FICA_DESTINATION. Get ISU Destination:     CALL METHOD cl_crm_isu_il_tools=>get_backend_rfc_destination       RECEIVING         result = LV_ISU_DESTINATION. Get CRM Destination: CALL FUNCTION 'CRM0_READ_RFC_DEST'       EXPORTING      i_consumer      = 'CRM'      i_download_type = '*'      i_objname       = '*'     TABLES      t_crmrfcpar     = lt_rfc     EXCEPTIONS      no_entry_found  = 1      OTHERS          = 2.       I...